Shop between stops | Commuter Commerce with PayPal

To help celebrate the start of the busy holiday shopping season, PayPal Canada hosted a special event to highlight how they’re making the shopping experience easier for consumers. With the rise of online shopping, specifically the popularity of using mobile phones, a new shopping trend is emerging in Canada called ‘Commuter Commerce.’

With 4G LTE cellphone connectivity on buses, streetcars and above ground trains, and more Wi-Fi options on public transport—PayPal Canada is putting the power of the mall into the palm of your hands. What better way to celebrate this shopping movement than an event hosted on a TTC streetcar?!

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Greeted with hot cocoa when we entered the special PayPal streetcar, we loved the completely transformed holiday look! The TTC’s iconic red seats were changed to blue, Santa Claus was at the back ready for photo-ops and there was a beautiful catered snack-bar with some holiday classics. The event even featured a small runway show with looks created by stylist Christina Cravero from The Style Mogul.

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Shop between stops – Commuter Commerce catches on in Canada

The future of commuter commerce in Canada  is bright. According to a recent survey, mobile connected commuters who have shopped while using public transport report buying movie, game or concert tickets (62%), clothing, shoes or accessories (62%), gifts for family and friends (55%), food and groceries (53%), games, gadgets and tech accessories (50%) and furniture and home décor (37%). Those engaged in commuter commerce spend an average of$529 per month per person!

Find out what it’s like to skip the lineups and start shopping securely with PayPal Canada! See more photos from the event below. Click an image to enlarge.

Want to win your holiday wish? Use the hashtag #PayPalWish and follow @PayPalCA on Twitter for your chance to enter!

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