We attend the Purity Vodka party at Studio 1098

We attended an evening of diamonds and vodka, as Purity Vodka,  one of the most celebrated vodka brands on the market today, hosted a tasting event.

The party was at Studio 1098 in Toronto, merging together a night of the purest tastes and purest diamonds. Studio 1098 is owned by Canadian jeweller Tamara Kronis, who only uses the best, ethically sourced diamonds and materials she can find in her hand-crafted jewellery. She was excited to welcome Purity Vodka to her studio as the brand shares a lot her beliefs in a quality, hand-made product.

Hailing from Sweden, the Purity Vodka brand is daring to stand out from the crowded cluster of neutral, mainstream vodkas that fill the shelves at liquor stores. The makers want it to be very clear: Purity Vodka has not been made to please everyone.

It’s with this unwavering position to make an amazing product that has turned so many to love the brand. It’s the pure taste of the vodka that has given the brand such high honours around the world; to date, the brand has been awarded over 80 Gold and Master awards! Since we were lucky enough to taste test Purity Vodka at the event, we can say it is one of the smoothest and best tasting vodka we have ever tried! We loved the clean taste of the drink and there is no horrible burning aftertaste we’ve experienced with so many vodka spirits before.

The award-winning taste all comes together at Ellinge Castle, just south of Sweden. This is home to a unique process developed by the makers to distill the vodka no less than 34 times. Purity Vodka is made exclusively from natural ingredients including organic winter wheat and malted barley and is certified organic in Europe and the US.

We will have Purity Vodka stocked at our next event. Buy a bottle and raise a glass, we know you’ll love it!

WATCH: Comedian Joel McHale stars in the recent Purity Vodka Campaign.



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