Beaufille | Fashion Designers


Beaufille is a Toronto-based womenswear and accessories brand founded by sisters Chloe and Parris Gordon. Beaufille is a contemporary line that references historical design elements within a modern context to create a sophisticated tough girl aesthetic. Beaufille represents the girl who has an eye for sophisticated construction, and who appreciates the juxtaposition between old and new.

The name Beaufille, in English translation, means ‘handsome girl’ and symbolizes the contrast between masculine and feminine elements; the combination of hard and soft.

The Gordon sisters attended the Nova Scotia College Of Art And Design in Halifax, and through their exposure to all forms of art, including painting, drawing, filmography, design, photography, textiles, jewelry and fashion, joined up to create a brand that draws on their collective experiences.

Beaufille combines the sisters’ love of jewelry and textiles, with Parris overseeing jewelry and accessory design and Chloe concentrating on the brand’s ready-­to-wear line.


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