Be Your Own Weight Loss Coach

Summer is officially over, and fall weather here in Canada is starting to take over. According to a recent study, one of the biggest fears people have when winter is approaching is losing any fitness gains they have made over the summer. With better weather, an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, and less to watch on tv, the summer is a time where many feel they are at their fittest. However, once the days start getting colder and shorter, and must-see-tv swings into full gear, staying fit over the next few months can be super challenging.

The book ‘Be Your Own Weight loss Coach’ by author Gregory Groves is here to help. The recently released book by the award-winning author takes readers through a new approach to healthy weight loss. Offering a way of coaching yourself by not only losing weight, the book uses proven life coaching skills that help fix the problems from the inside out.

gregory-groves-book-be-you-own-weightloss-coach-1When it comes to healthy weight loss, and maintaining that weight loss, Gregory knows a few things about what works and what doesn’t.

Losing nearly 100 pounds himself, the author had tried and failed just about every other workout and diet plan before finding something that really stuck.

While this book is written from years of personal experience, Gregory knows that no two people are alike in their health goals. What works for one person, may not work for the other, and this book is written to be easily tailored to fit your life, your routines, and ultimately your goals.

Gregory tackles the underlying issues that prevent the majority of people from reaching their health goals.

While most weight loss books focus exclusively on a training program, this book takes a two-step approach to start you on a healthy path inside and out. In fact, being healthy on the inside is where this book starts off, before even mentioning a single pull-up or squat. He wants his readers to focus on the hurdles that challenge them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. From managing expectations to recognizing stress factors that can cause you to take two steps back, the book is filled with helpful tips to overpower these negative forces.


Its one thing to wake up feeling motivated and decide today is the day to join that gym you’ve been meaning to join, or rush out to buy the latest and trendy exercise equipment, but both of those will be very costly if you don’t have the proper mindset to continue past the first week or two of exercise.

The book addresses the common myths and mistakes a majority of us make when trying to get fit. He writes about setting goals that are both realistic and attainable while giving you advice on how to put these plans into action. It’s easy to say ‘I want six pack abs’, but making that phrase a reality can be daunting, exhausting, and mentally draining. Gregory teaches you how to take the right approach to making the dream a reality, and provides what is necessary for you to be your own weight loss coach.

For more information about ‘Be Your Own Weight Loss Coach’ or to purchase your copy, click here. For more information on Gregory Groves, check out his Facebook page here.

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